July 16 (Tuesday) Live from Annapolis, Washington DC.
We held a screening at American University. After the screening, we conducted a panel discussion.

Hosted by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Studies at American University’s Nuclear Research Institute.Ahead of the screening at the Abramson Recital Hall at American University’s Katzen Art Center,an early dinner for a meeting has helped a lot on this tour.
Happy reunion with Mary Dixon after a long time!
Director of the Nuclear Research Institute Peter Kaznick
Director of the Energy and Environment Institute Arjun Makhijani
Joan Steinbach and others talked about nuclear issues.
原子力研究所所長 ピーター・カズニックさん
エネルギー環境研究所所長 アルジュン・マキジャニさん

We were able to talk with people who have a strong awareness of the issues. For instance, there was a question from an American asking if there’s any opposition to the film in Japan.
After the screening ended, some people approached us expressing interest in hosting screenings, and others said they’d like to feature it in magazines.

At the venue, we’ve been distributing postcards for the screening tour and giving T-shirts to those who organized the events for us.
It’s no exaggeration to say that the day nuclear weapons were created was the day Earth started heading towards annihilation.
We want to continue spreading this message widely in the future.

75 years ago, on July 16, 1945, the first nuclear test of mankind took place in the United States. Many of the audience who gathered for the screening appeared to be researchers and experts who have been working on nuclear issues for many years. Everyone seemed to be looking forward to this screening, and many opinions and questions were raised during the Q&A session. We would like to express our sincere respect to the two members of the U.S. team who supported Director Ito as interpreters


Messages from the Audience
So terribly sad
And so angry
YouTube LIVE
It is a LIVE before leaving for American University.
LIVE after a screening at American University. Ito speaks passionately about how stupid nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants are.
Nuclear power plants are certainly convenient. But they don’t think about post-processing at all.
“It’s dangerous to touch, so let’s lock it up.”
“It’s dangerous, so let’s bury it in the ground, let’s flush it into the sea.”
How ・・・ I think that’s a very childish idea.
Why are they doing a screening tour in America?
I think that having a sense of ownership that Americans are exposed to radiation and taking action will be the first step toward eliminating nuclear weapons from the world.
At today’s screening, everyone is an expert on each issue.
Only Ito was an amateur.
I believe there is something I can convey because I am an amateur video nerd.