
Join us to create a nuclear-free planet!

We couldn’t have made it this far without our supporters, but we still need help meeting our fundraising goal. Our mission is to launch a second screening tour to share the movie more widely and to spread the word about the prevalence of radiation poisoning in the US

Your donations make our mission possible. All proceeds go toward the financing of a second screening tour, future films exploring these important issues, as well as toward the labor costs for our dedicated staff. Director Ito’s next documentary centers the history of the uranium mine at the Four Corners region of the Navajo Nation.

The Silent Fallout project seeks to elevate radioactive contamination as one of foremost environmental concern. We seek government accountability and environmental solutions. Nuclear weapons were supposed to protect the US—but the reality is that they have cost the health and lives of ordinary American citizens. Through screening of the film and our advocacy efforts, we aim to bring information about the reality of radioactive pollution to the Congress and eventually the United Nations. Sustainable Development Goals should take into account the proliferation of nuclear contamination in the American continent. 

Like Dr. Louise Reiss and the thousands of concerned mothers of the late 1950s and ‘60s, we are working to change American society and hold the US government accountable to the health and wellbeing of its people. 

SILENT FALLOUT PROJECTは、みなさんの支援のおかげで成り立っています。ありがとうございます。目標額を達成するためには、まだまだ支援が必要です。私たちの使命は、この映画をより広く共有し、米国での放射線汚染の事実を広めるために、2回目の上映ツアーを行うこと。寄付をいただくことで、私たちの使命は達成に近づきます。すべての収益は、2回目の上映ツアーの資金、専任スタッフの人件費、そしてこれらの重要な問題を探求する今後の映画のために使用します。伊藤監督の次のドキュメンタリーは、ナバホネイションのフォーコーナーズ地域のウラン鉱山の歴史を中心にする予定です。



Make a donation 寄付をお願いします

You can donate by credit card or postal transfer.


Donation in any amount


Become a BASE

With permission, we introduce viewers to organizations, institutions, and individuals who have participated in the project, including those who have backed up our film screening activities, those who have conducted interviews in the field, and universities, research institutes, researchers, and journalists who have conducted literature research on confidential documents and data related to nuclear testing.
Please contact us by email. We will contact you with more details.

許可を得て、映画上映活動を支援していただいた方々、現場で取材をしていただいた方々、大学、研究機関、研究者、ジャーナリストなど、プロジェクトに参加していただいた団体、機関、個人を視聴者の皆様にご紹介します。核実験に関連した機密文書やデータの文献調査を行ってきた者。 メールにてご連絡ください。詳細については追ってご連絡させていただきます。


Become a Project Member

Help us with research, event planning, and shipping according to your availability and interest.

