Message from Joseph Mangano マンガーノさんよりメッセージ

Joseph Mangano, executive director of the Radiation and Public HealthProject and author of Radioactive Baby Teeth.

He’s the key man behind SILENT FALLOUT.

We got a message from him.

“Silent Fallout: Baby Teeth Talk ” is the first film to feature a historical study of the fallout from atomic bomb tests that accumulated in baby teeth during the Cold War. The results of the teeth study were communicated to President John F. Kennedy and the United States Senate and helped speed the passage of the Terrestrial Test Ban Treaty. The treaty saved many lives.

The film depicts the ability of scientists and citizens to work together to strengthen public policy. The film is important not only for history, but also for recognizing the current and future health threats of nuclear testing. Due to strained relations between the United States, Russia and China, countries are now preparing test facilities to resume testing. This will be the first test in decades.

放射線・公衆衛生プロジェクト(Radiation and Public HealthProject)のエグゼクティブ・ディレクターで、『Radioactive Baby Teeth』の著者でもある、ジョセフ・マンガーノ氏。

SILENT FALLOUTのキーマンでもある彼からメッセージをいただきました。


