Producer YASUJI OONISHI プロデューサー 大西 康司
Producer Yasuji Onishi
First of all, why is the Ehime station responsible for “the other fifth Fukuryu Maru incident”? I think many people have a question. 8 years ago, even for me, the so-called ‘Fifth Fukuryu Maru Incident’ in 1954 was just a distant, historical and textbook event. However, director Ito Eirou’s unexpected information that “A former tuna boat crew member who was injured in a bikini seems to be in Ehime.” evoked a sense of wonder in me. It was a sense of wonder that history is alive in the present, and a sense of wonder that the people who had been exposed to radiation in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Fifth Fukuryumaru were living together near me.
This is an interview I started in 2004. I have one promise with director Ito. As a local station producer close to the interviewees, I wanted to “faithfully and carefully depict the ‘pain’ of a single person” in order to get closer to the reality and essence of this case, in which the relationship between the individual and the nation is questioned. Yes, “from being close to a single person to the essence” … This is not the ‘limit’ of a local station, but the ‘possibility’ that can be done because it is a local station. Through my fumbling, I visited the local area and accumulated the testimonies of each person …”keep digging small wells and connect them to ‘universal'”… Through 8 years of reporting, I was able to continue broadcasting persistently in the local area with the understanding of the company, and above all, I was able to broadcast nationwide twice with the NTV group “NNN Document,” which gave me great courage to dig into this’ small well ‘.
As the culmination of such reporting, the film adaptation was pushed forward.
I want as many people as possible to know the facts that this film unearthed.
I want ‘one person’ who saw this film to understand beyond their position and mindset.
I want to deliver this film to ‘one person’ and ‘one person’.
… We want to stick to ‘one person’.
最後に、南海放送というローカル局が’テレビ’というメディアを超え’映画’に挑戦する試みが可能になった背景には、日頃「メディアとメディアの新しい組み合わせ」を積極的に推進してきた南海放送トップの後押し、様々な現場の仲間による社を挙げての協力・応援がありました。そして勿論、’映画’という未知の航海への’灯台’となって頂いた 日本テレビ系「NNNドキュメント」関係者の皆様のご指導、御協力があったればこそです。改めて深く感謝致します。
Finally, Nankai Broadcasting Corporation, a local station, was able to move beyond the media of ‘TV’ and take on the challenge of ‘cinema’ thanks to the support of the head of Nankai Broadcasting Corporation, who has been actively promoting ‘a new combination of media and media,’ and the cooperation and support from various colleagues in the field. And, of course, it is only with the guidance and cooperation of the people involved in the NTV group ‘NNN Documents,’ who became the ‘lighthouse’ for the unknown voyage of ‘cinema.’. Thank you very much once again.
昭和57年南海放送入社。以来、様々な番組を制作、プロデュースを行う。報道情報本部制作部長などを経て、現在 執行役員テレビ局長。
Yasuji Onishi [Profile]
Joined Nankai Broadcasting in 1982. Since then, he has produced and produced various programs. After working as the head of the production department of the Press Information Division, he is currently the executive officer and head of the TV station.
Director HIDEAKI ITO 監督 伊東 英朗

“Hiroshima Visited by High School Students”
When I learned of the horrific deaths of each person who was burned in the atomic bombing and identified myself with their suffering, I felt deep despair and deep anger. As a teenager, I thought that “forgetting” that thought was the same as committing a crime. Since then, I have occasionally visited Hiroshima. At some point, I have come to realize that I want to do something that I can, not something that I will never forget.
インターネットで番組リサーチをしていた時。元高校教師 山下さんの活動を伝える記事が目に飛び込んできた。『…第五福竜丸以外の多くの被ばく船を調査…』「第五福竜丸以外の船?そんな話聞いたこともない。僕だけが知らないことなのか。」まるで狐につままれたような感覚だった。
“Eight Years Ago”
When I was researching programs on the Internet,. I saw an article about the activities of Yamashita, a former high school teacher. “… Investigating many radiation exposure ships other than the Fifth Fukuryu Maru …” “Ships other than the Fifth Fukuryu Maru? I’ve never heard of such a story. Am I the only one who doesn’t know?” I felt as if I had been held by a fox.
“I want to make sure.”
We spent four hours visiting Yamashita in Kochi Prefecture with Onishi, a producer who worked with us on the program. Yamashita began to speak quietly. “Many tuna fishing boats and cargo ships were exposed, and contaminated fish were landed and brought to the table. Before long, the incident was remembered as the fifth Fukuryu Maru incident.” he said. The phrase “Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only countries exposed to radiation” was not accurate. “Why did the case disappear from my memory?” I wanted to find out why.
On that day, I began to cover the case. I found a gap in the production of the program and went to the site. In order to save money, I used Yamashita’s house as a lodging and reporting base. A cameraman and 2 people made a 300 kilometer round trip from western Ehime to eastern Kochi dozens of times. Days spent visiting exposed people. Sometimes people yell at me and I feel terrible, sometimes I can’t get food through my throat, and sometimes I get a curry with “Thank you for coming. If your father lives, you will be very welcome. I’m hungry.” I drive back 4 hours to the office tired from the interview. That repetition. In that year, 2004, he was able to convey that fact to people all over the country through the Nippon Television Network (NNN Document). Since then, whenever a new fact was discovered, he repeatedly broadcast it locally. However, the program did not lead to the clarification of the incident.
“The crew’s testimony was also accumulated.”
Official documents and investigation records of the Japanese and U.S. governments were also examined.
However, it was not possible to confirm that the crew was exposed to radiation. However, in 2009, a secret US Department of Energy document was discovered. It was discovered that the radioactive fallout had spread around fishing grounds and covered all of Japan.
“March 11, 2011”
After that day, people were interested in radiation. They became suspicious of the phrase “no immediate health effects” and became frightened of invisible radiation, causing reputational damage.
“The time has finally come.”
I saw myself standing stunned in front of the TV.
“Dosimeters aimed at people”
radioactive material that soars in the wind and falls in the rain. Cesium, strontium, hot spots, sieverts … jargon is thrown around, and articles dance in newspapers about radiation being detected in milk, tea, fish, and water. Reputational damage occurred, and within a short period of time, the government declared an end.
The story of half a century ago, which I heard from old people and widows as I walked in the harbor, coincides with what is happening before my eyes. I cried to myself.
“The same thing happened around me half a century ago. Don’t they all know? Don’t make the same mistake.”
We should not leave past exposure cases uncleared. If we do not unravel this case, we will not be able to prevent future damage.
In January 2012, it was broadcast for the second time in 8 years as a 1-hour program on the Nippon Television Network (NNN Document). It was found that the program received a great response from all over the country and was watched by many young people.
“Now the Movie”
I hope that the small independent screenings will lead to investigations, not to mention screenings in theaters. That is my strong and modest wish. The case remains largely unsolved. Across the country, there are people who once boarded tuna boats. If they are still alive, they are in their 70 s to 80 s. Nuclear tests continued in the Pacific alone from 1954 to 1962. The number of victims is incalculable. The government should investigate the reality of the damage, which is the first step in clarifying the situation, and chart a path for relief. I believe that the light will come when small actions add up.
From the production of the program to the film adaptation, I was kindly advised by Nippon Television Producer Higasa. In addition, I was able to get closer to the reality of the bikini incident in a more realistic way with videos such as “Living in the Wild Sea,” which captured tuna fishing at that time, and “Never Forget the Bikini Sea,” which recorded the efforts of high school students.
Now, the people who were exposed to radiation are reporting their own deaths X years after the incident. We must take it seriously and continue to report the incident.
I believe that people’s knowledge of the incident will lead to a step forward in clarifying the exposure case.
1960年愛媛県生まれ。16年間公立幼稚園で先生を経験後、テレビの世界に入る。東京で番組制作を経験した後、2002年から地元ローカル放送局 南海放送で情報番組などの制作の傍ら、地域に根ざしたテーマでドキュメント制作を始める。2004年ビキニ事件に出会い、以来、8年に渡り取材を続ける。
Born in Ehime Prefecture in 1960. After 16 years as a teacher at a public kindergarten, he entered the world of television. After experiencing program production in Tokyo, he began producing information programs for the local local broadcasting station Nankai Broadcasting System in 2002 and began producing documents on community-based themes. He encountered the bikini scandal in 2004 and has been reporting on it for 8 years.