STORY ストーリー
「父は なぜ死んだのか?」
半世紀前の太平洋核実験 漁師たちが伝える無言のメッセージとは――?
“Why did my father die?”
What is the silent message of the Pacific nuclear test fishermen half a century ago?

終戦直後の1946 年。太平洋上で、米国による核実験が始まった。しかし多くの漁船が、その後100回を超える実験期間中も、近海でいつも通り操業を続けていた―。闇に葬られたビキニ水爆実験の真相に迫る前作『放射線を浴びたX年後』から3年。高知県室戸市ほか各地での継続取材は、新たな展開を迎えていた。安全や核をめぐって国のあり方があらためて問われる今、かつて日本の繁栄を支えた海の男たちのメッセージに、地方TV局のディレクターが迫った渾身のシリーズ第二弾!
In 1946, just after the end of the war,. a nuclear test by the United States began in the Pacific. But many fishing boats continued to operate as usual in nearby waters during more than 100 subsequent tests. It’s been 3 years since the last film, “X Years After Radiation, ” got to the bottom of the Bikini H-bomb test. Continuing coverage in Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture, and elsewhere has taken a new turn. At a time when the state of the nation is being questioned anew over safety and nuclear issues, the director of a local TV station approaches the message of the men of the sea who once supported Japan’s prosperity in this challenging second series!


Misa Kawaguchi, 59, runs an advertising agency in Tokyo. When she saw the movie “X Years After Being Exposed to Radiation” in her hometown of Muroto, Kochi Prefecture, she began to question the untimely death of her father, a former fisherman. At the time, her father was said to have died early from drinking too much alcohol. Is that really the case? Kazusaku Wake (Real name: Masahito DAIGURO. Famous works such as “The Empress”), a manga artist from Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture, also questions his father’s death after his encounter with the movie. Their strong feelings for their beloved father begin to move them.

In the meantime, the team, together with experts in radiation protection, will visit Okinawa, Kyoto and Yamagata, where high radioactive materials were measured in rainwater in the 1950s, and conduct their own soil survey. The floorboards of private houses were removed, and the soil appeared for the first time in half a century. Are the effects of nuclear tests conducted in the distant Pacific still affecting the Japanese archipelago?
Testimonies of former fishermen, a broken seaman’s pocketbook, and a request for disclosure to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry. Half a century after the massive radiation exposure incident that rocked the Japanese archipelago, the scars of radiation exposure that will never go away are gradually revealed.
The way to this game 今作までの道のり
前作『放射線を浴びたX年後』は、ローカルTV局・南海放送(愛媛)が8年にわたる取材の集大成としてまとめ、2012年9月に開局60周年記念事業として劇場公開された映画である。その原型は、日本テレビと 系列29局がつくる【NNNドキュメント】でたびたび全国放送されたTV番組シリーズであり、「地方の時代映像祭グランプリ」「民間放送連盟賞 優秀賞」「早稲田ジャーナリズム大賞 大賞」など多数受賞した。東京・松山での劇場公開を皮切りに、全国での上映は200回以上にのぼる。

The previous film, “X Years After Radiation,” was compiled by local TV station Nankai Broadcasting (Ehime) as the culmination of 8 years of reporting, and was released in theaters in September 2012 as a 60 year anniversary project. Its original form was a TV series that was often broadcast nationwide by “NNN Documents,” which is produced by Nippon Television and 29 affiliated stations, and won many awards, including the Grand Prix of the Regional Jidai Film Festival, the Outstanding Award of the Private Broadcasting Federation, and the Waseda Journalism Grand Prize. Since its theatrical release in Matsuyama, Tokyo, it has been screened more than 200 times nationwide.

In 2014, which was said to mark the 60 year anniversary of the Bikini disaster, a great deal of media covered the incident, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare began to act. A book of the same name published in 2014, 2 years after its release, also attracted attention. With film screenings still continuing nationwide, 3 years after its release, director Ito continued his interview, saying, “This is not a goal. I want to unravel the case.” These feelings were not limited to TV broadcasts and the first film, but culminated in the release of the second film.
List of awards for previous work “X years after radiation exposure”
・2012年 第86回キネマ旬報ベストテン<文化映画部門>
・第11回 世界自然・野生生物映像祭<審査員特別賞>
・2012年度 日本映画ペンクラブ・ベスト5<文化映画部門>
・第37回 2012年シネ・フロント読者ベストテン<日本映画部門>
・Japan Press Club Award
・50 Galaxy Awards Press Activities Category < Grand Prize >
・40 Broadcast Culture Foundation Awards Broadcast Culture Category < Winner >
・2013 Japan Federation of Private Broadcasters Awards Special Award Category < “Broadcast and Public Nature” Best >
・2012 86 Kinema Junpo Top Ten < Cultural Film Category >
・11 World Festival of Nature and Wildlife < Special Jury Prize >
・30 Japan Film Reconstruction Prize < Reconstruction Incentive Prize >
・1st Green Image International Environmental Film Festival < Grand Prize >
・Top 5 Japanese Film Pen Club 2012 < Cultural Film Category >
・Winner of the 4th Za Koenji Documentary Festival Competition
・37 2012 Shin Front Readers’ Best Ten < Japanese Film Category >
・2012 Media Ambitious Grand Prize < Video Category >
STAFF スタッフ
AD:新家まゆみ 河村英美 中野聖華 久保典朗
美術:村上美保 芳之内由貴 武田宏美
資料撮影:安庭慎也 立川 純
成瀬慧 中野香
猿田ゆう 藤井裕子 野口和恵
HP制作:ユイシステム工房 瀧本則隆
Narration: Shogo Suzuki
Reading: Shuichiro HOSHI
Voice Performance: Seiji Productions
Photo by Eiro Ito
Recording by Tomiko Yamauchi
Composition by Ryuji Iuchi
Sound effect by Yuji Bansho
Mixer by Makoto Yamaguchi
AD: Mayumi Araie, Hidemi Kawamura, Noriaki Nakano Seika Kubo
Art: Yoshiyuki Murakami, Yuki Uchi, Hiromi Takeda
CG: Ami Kono
Photo by Shinya Anba Jun Tachikawa
Promotional art: RESTA FILMS
Keka Naruse
Promotion and distribution cooperation: Ukki Productions
Yu Saruta, Yuko Fujii, Kazue Noguchi
HP: Yui System Kobo Noritaka Takimoto
Special Sponsor: Daiichi Gas Co., Ltd.
共同通信社 琉球新報 沖縄タイムス
[沖縄] 北上田源 上里樹
[高知 土佐清水市] 植杉康英 次田貴三
[高知 室戸市] 国際ソロプチミスト室戸
室戸市教育委員会 生涯学習課
医療法人 恕泉会・治久会 理事長 内田泰史
中野美智恵 谷村幸利 鈴木彬夫 竹中多津美
谷岡壽満子 谷脇幸生 谷脇美紀 鈴木忠
川原信恵 鍛治田久子 岩貞光江 升田かつら
大西冨美子 堺喜久美 谷本涼介 川口郁栄
川口勇吉 川田清美 端近寅男 竹中速雄
川上建司 高橋寿子 武井登喜子 徳増良男
徳増千都 瀬戸崇生 中屋順子 奥田玉喜
吉松喜代美 (順不同)
土壌調査協力:日本大学歯学部 野口邦和研究室
東都生活協同組合 商品検査室
[京都] 久守一敏 石沢晴彦 橋本栄 牧原幸
[山形] 小泉信三 高橋卓也 長南里香
[沖縄] 石川敬士 由浅達朗
日本文芸社(漫画 「おんちゃん」)
日本テレビ系列 NNNドキュメント
Material and video cooperation: Japan Document Film
Photo cooperation: Yaizu City Board of Education (Yaizu City Museum of History and Folklore)
Kyodo News Ryukyu Shinpo Okinawa Times
[Okinawa] MINAMOTO no Kamisatoki Kita Ueda
[Kochi Tosashimizu City] Yasuhide Uesugi Takahizo Toda
[Kochi Muroto City] International Soroptimist Muroto
Muroto City Federation of Senior Citizens’ Clubs
National Muroto Youth Nature House
Kiramesse Muroto
Muroto City Board of Education
Lifelong Learning Division, Muroto City Board of Education
Muroto City PTA Federation
Muroto-misaki Youth Group
Sitlotto Dance Preservation Society
Muroto Health University
New Sun Palace Muro
Yasushi Uchida, President of Josenkai and Jikyu Association
Michie Nakano, Yukitoshi Tanimura, Akio Suzuki & Tatsumi Takenaka
Jumako Tanioka, Yukio Taniwaki, Miki Taniwaki & Tadashi Suzuki
Nobue Kawahara, Kaji Tahushi, Sadamitsu Iwa & Masuda Wig
Fumiko Onishi, Kikumi Sakai, Ryosuke Tanimoto & Ikuei Kawaguchi
Yukichi Kawaguchi, Kiyomi Kawata, Torao Hachika & Hayao Takenaka
Kenji Kawakami, Hisako Takahashi, Tokiko Takei & Yoshio Tokumasu
Chikuto Tokumasu, Takao Seto, Junko Nakaya & Tamaki Okuda
Kiyomi Yoshimatsu (in no particular order)
Muroto no Onchan and all my family
Soil Survey Cooperation: Kunikazu Noguchi Laboratory, Nihon University School of Dentistry
Toto Consumer Cooperative Association Commodity Inspection Office
[Kyoto] Hitotoshi Hisamori, Haruhiko Ishizawa, Sakae Hashimoto & Sachi Makihara
[Yamagata] Shinzo Koizumi, Takuya Takahashi & Rika Nagaminami
[Okinawa] Takashi Ishikawa & Tatsuro Yuasa
Everyone who appeared
Nippon Bungeisha (Manga “Onchan”)
Fifth Fukuryu Maru Exhibition Hall
NNN Documents affiliated with NTV
社内製作委員会:河田正道 田中和彦 秋川啓人
中村史郎 清水啓介 松崎良二 中井康文 乗松義弘
営業:畦地一久 宮部 選 山内孝雄 山内孝洋
広報:永野彰子 三谷隆司 大江健司 鴨川政史
村上浩二 松下和明 二宮以紀
[Nankai Broadcasting]
Internal Production Committee: Masamichi Kawata, Kazuhiko Tanaka & Keito Akikawa
Shiro Nakamura, Keisuke Shimizu, Ryoji Matsuzaki, Yasufumi Nakai & Yoshihiro Norimatsu
Business: Kazuhisa Azechi, Sensei Miyabe, Takao Yamauchi & Takahiro Yamauchi
Public Relations: Akiko Nagano, Takashi Mitani, Kenji Oe & Masashi Kamogawa
Koji Murakami, Kazuaki Matsushita & Maki Ninomiya
Planning: Yasushi Onishi
Structure: Akihiko HIGASA
Producer: Kenji OGURA
Chief Producer: Hideo Hyodo
Director: Hideo Ito
Production: Nankai Broadcasting
Apated. One hundred. 受賞歴一覧
2015年 第89回キネマ旬報ベストテン<文化映画部門>
2015: The 89 Kinema Junpo Top Ten < Bunka Eiga Category >
Words of the creator 制作者のことば
*The full director’s message is included in the brochure.
I’ve been feeling it since I started reporting 12 years ago, but every time I look at the sea in Muroto, my expression is different. The color, the sound, the size of the waves. I feel that it is different from the local Ehime facing the Seto Inland Sea. It is big and dynamic. “Onchans” have lived next to the sea. They talk, but they do not gossip about painful or painful things. They talk about things that are life threatening, things that have helped others, things that have changed in their bodies. Misa Kawaguchi’s father was one of those tuna fishermen.
Kawaguchi and I got in touch after seeing “X Years After Radiation” screened in Muroto in 2013 by former chief fisherman Katsutoshi Yamada. When we first met at a cafe in Tokyo, Kawaguchi said that his father had died at the age of 36. When he returned to Ehime, he found that the ship he was on had disposed of radioactive fish. Later, in New Year’s 2015, he met Kawaguchi, who had returned to his hometown in Muroto City, Kochi Prefecture, for the New Year holiday. Immediately, interviews began with survivors. By October, Kawaguchi had heard from nearly 70 survivors and bereaved families. She was able to witness the whole story and record it on camera.
Only 10 months after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear tests began at tuna fishing grounds. Repeated nuclear tests heavily polluted fishing grounds. After the fifth Fukuryu Maru was exposed to radiation, radiation tests were conducted and a total of 992 ships were found, but the government stopped the tests in December of that year after only 10 months, saying there was no need for measurements. People gradually forgot about the incident because there was no immediate impact on their health. 10 years later, the Tokyo Olympics were held, and Japan began to look up. Before long, the incident was completely forgotten, and only the words “The Fifth Fukuryu Maru” and “My hair falls out” were engraved in my mind.
In March 2011, 57 years after the incident of the Fifth Fukuryu Maru,. a nuclear power plant accident occurred in Fukushima, and radiation tests began. Then, in December, a safety declaration was made. It’s almost five years since the accident. The effects of radiation remain ambiguous. A voice says, “Let’s not keep thinking about sad things forever. Let’s live a positive life.” Coincidentally, the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will be held in 2020, 9 years after the accident. In the case of the bikini incident, half a century later, the memory of the incident had almost disappeared. Now, the countdown is on for another X years. What will the Japanese remember half a century from now? And what will happen to the human body then?
It is difficult to provide medical support for the exposure that Kawaguchi’s father, who died at the age of 36, and Wake (Daikoku), who died at the age of 45, received. However, the fact that the company continued to operate in the midst of an epidemic of dangerous substances that could cause serious harm to the human body can be seen from the Seafarers’ Handbook and documents from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
Not only in this case, but in an exposure case, the victim must prove that he or she has been exposed to radiation. What a contradiction! Normally, those who are on the side of the crime should prove medically that the death of a crew member who died early after working in a heavily radioactive fishing ground was not caused by 100% radiation and inform the victims and their families. It is a heavy responsibility to continue the experiment while knowing that the U.S. mainland and the Japanese archipelago were radioactive by producing unimaginable amounts of radiation, at least in 1952.
It has been 12 years since I started reporting for my previous film, “X Years After Radiation” in 2004. I have been able to reach this point with the support of many people. Until now, I was determined to follow him for the rest of my life until he fell. Now that “X Years After Radiation 2” has been completed, that feeling is getting stronger. My journey is far from over. I want to continue to be with the victims.
No matter what happens, I won’t give up!