US TOUR 2023 *13 : Today’s Preview in St.Louis

We held a preview at the home of the persons we interviewed in the film in St. Louis today. We left an accommodation in the morning and started screening at 13:00. There were about 15 people including us. The couple we interviewed, their families, neighbours, and other people came to see the film.





How to Get People to Watch the Film

Immediately after finishing the film, various questions came up right away. They feel that the documentary needs to be watched by as many people as possible, and their first question is, “Where and how to reach a lot of people”. That’s exactly what I’ve been struggling with.

The screening at the St. Louis Film International Festival has been decided, but other prospects are not yet in place. I can’t give you a proper answer because I don’t have a clear idea of how to get people to watch it in the span until the film festival, but I’m thinking in the direction of having various people screen it little by little. I’m struggling with how to get many people to see the movie without a budget.







How Long the Government Known About the Effects of Radiation

A former science teacher asked me, “When did the people who created nuclear weapons know about their effects?”

I couldn’t answer him properly with any details at that time due to my poor English, but when I think of it, it goes back to 1945 when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the same year, the first nuclear test in human history, known as Trinity, was successfully conducted in New Mexico, USA.  A few months later, a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and immediately after that, a research institution called ABCC was established on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to investigate the effects of dropping a nuclear bomb on people. It was really just a place for research, with no treatment whatsoever. As a result of the investigation, there were, of course, burns due to the explosion, but the results of a thorough investigation of the damage caused by radiation were sent back to the United States.

The Manhattan Project, which created nuclear weapons, was centred on the military and then transferred to the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Considering that the US Atomic Energy Commission had all that data, they knew the impact as early as 1945.

Actually, even before that, they knew that there were various types of radiation hazards. For example, many girls who smeared radium on watch boards died one after another from exposure to radiation. By licking the brush, they took in radium through their mouth, received intense exposure to radiation, and died. The authority thoroughly investigated what kind of effect it would have from a nuclear bomb.

Whether the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a test or to end the war is debatable. However, as a result, data was collected as an experiment using humans, and valuable data was collected for making nuclear weapons. In 1946, ten months after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nuclear tests began in the Pacific Ocean. In 1951, the United States began conducting nuclear tests at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site.  Monitoring posts have already been installed, and they have official data. They knew that radioactive material was carried on the wind across the United States.

Nevertheless, there is the fact that 100 nuclear tests and more than 800 underground nuclear tests have been carried out. That was kept secret. In the process, people in the US have been exposed to radiation. Since nuclear testing cannot be stopped without proof of radiation exposure, an investigation was started to confirm whether or not people in St. Louis were exposed to radiation.












What’s the Result of the Survey?

The people I interviewed for this movie, and the couple who held today’s preview, were all involved in the survey. The words that came out after watching the movie were that they were currently in their 60s and were children at the time, but they weren’t informed about the results of their cooperation in the baby teeth survey.

This survey was a truly wonderful undertaking, but it was conducted by the private sector and I suspect that it did not reach the point where it was widely known to the public. However, there is a historical fact that President Kennedy declared to stop atmospheric nuclear tests based on the results of the survey, and Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom stopped atmospheric nuclear tests. Still, there was a discussion today that we should have shared how the results were.








The Shock of Knowing the Facts, and What’s Next

Everyone was shocked by the fact that there was radioactive contamination all over the United States, and I feel that the reaction is quite different from that in Japan.  From their point of view, it was naturally a shocking story, and there were many opinions such as “more people need to know about the facts.”  I would like to increase the number of opportunities for people to watch this movie.

I have told the Japanese people that all of Japan is polluted in my previous two documentaries. However, even if they knew that there was a serious problem, it didn’t lead to actions to spread it further or to let people know about it. That has been a big dilemma for me, and in the end, I decided to make a documentary set in America.

After all, it is necessary for each person to think about this problem as their own and take some action. Specifically, it’s necessary to cooperate to get more people to know the truth or to tell people the facts, even if it’s just a small thing, but it’s important to do what you can.









We were invited to dinner again by the people we interviewed, so I think we will be able to have a chance to interact again.

Among the people who came to the preview, there were those who got involved in the survey back then, and I feel like I want to interview them again.

I’m going to Salt Lake City the day after tomorrow.







Hideaki Ito



Fallout project