US TOUR 2023 *4 : Making a Trailer in Chicago

I’ve stayed editing and making a trailer in the basement of Tomomatsu-san’s house. She helped me with the interviews and translation for the film for more than 40 days last year.

I want Alec Baldwin to read the narration for the trailer when recording him in New York, so I’m working on editing it in time.





Ever since I arrived in the United States, I have been suffering from severe jet lag, sleepiness, fatigue, and exhaustion. It took me a long time to get back in shape, but when I started editing earlier, I was finally able to concentrate.

If the jet lag continues for such a long time, when I think about going back and forth between the United States and Japan, I need to take a consideration that I can’t pack appointments immediately after arriving.


Chicago has a lot of temperature differences. Today it was about 30 degrees in the daytime.

I will report from New York tomorrow.






Hideaki Ito



Fallout project