US TOUR 2023 *10 : Zoom Preview with Scientists and Challenges

This is from St. Louis;
I’ve been editing the film since I received a lot of advice from people who watched it and after I watched it myself as an audience. I will continue editing to make it better.






The Significance of the Preview on Zoom

We held a preview of the film on Zoom today.  People who attended this time were mainly scientists. There was a scientist who has been studied a baby tooth project taken in the film and another who has been studied a nuclear fallout across the US. A son of a woman who is a leading character in this movie, he attended from Denmark. Other participants were prestigious scientists from Japan, people from the media and donators.

I was a bit nervous with world-renowned specialists, and I also expected a lot of opinions from them. The film’s feedback was generally good and I got some helpful advice.

The problem of radioactivity is complicated to tackle as an individual, and we have to work together. I believe that this is a problem that cannot be solved without the combined efforts of researchers and people all over the world, not just in the United States and Japan.

That’s why I was happy this time to be able to share it with such world-class researchers. I was very happy that we were able to gather with a purpose.









Difficulty Getting Attention

The biggest dilemma I have right now is that it’s really hard to get any attention.

Radioactivity is invisible, so no matter how much radioactive contamination there is, even if it harms the health of the human body or kills people, they will not be aware of it. So, the same thing keeps happening over and over.

In order to solve it, it is necessary to let many people know and we all work together.

For me, it doesn’t matter if the movie sells, my main goal is to let as many people as possible know the facts. I thought that film would be an effective tool for disseminating facts. That’s the reason I made a documentary. Making movies as a tool to let more people know the facts was the only thing I could do.










Why Tackle Past Problems Instead of Current Ones?

Of course, I’ve been worried about Fukushima and we need to think about it, but Fukushima is currently in progress. It’s been 10 years now, but no one knows what will happen 20 or 30 years from now. No one knows what will happen in the future with the current human knowledge. That is why we need to learn from history.

You may think that history is nothing more than the past. However, the same thing would happen again because it remains unexplained. In order not to repeat the same mistakes, I think that what happened in the past should be clarified.

In this case, the United States was contaminated with radioactivity due to nuclear tests after the war. It has continued for quite a while.

It was discovered when strontium-90 was detected in the bodies of children at that time. Strontium-90 was detected in a considerable number of 320,000 teeth collected from all over the United States, not just one or two people, and it turned out that the United States was contaminated with radioactivity. As a result, President Kennedy declared the end of atmospheric nuclear testing, and that led Russia and the United Kingdom to decide to stop atmospheric nuclear testing.

This is an obvious fact. However, it has not been made clear how it was affected after that. We don’t know about it, and we forget it without thinking about it.

In the end, the same thing happens again without us learning anything. That’s why I think it’s important to learn from the facts of the past.

In particular, it is a big fact that the president was moved by the activities centring on St. Luis.

But almost nobody knows about this. After all, everyone forgets. President Kennedy made a speech on television all over the United States, so it should be known at least once. However, it has been forgotten with time.

Therefore, there is a possibility that the same thing will happen to Fukushima, so I think it is necessary to learn from the past and think about what to do now.











Hideaki Ito



Fallout project